Although a lot of the energy efficiency efforts tend to be focused on saving on electricity bills, you can also save a lot of money on your water bill and save water, too, with only a few simple steps. Many people are wasting water without even knowing it; here are some easy ways to find out if you are among them, and what to do about it.

Dripping Faucets, Leaking Toilets

Even a slow drip or leak from a faucet or toilet can add up to wasted water and higher bills. The worst part is you may not even know you have one. Faucet drips are usually easily detected because of the dripping sound you will hear or the drops you will notice falling from the tap. They are often easy to fix, too; sometimes just tightening a bolt is all it takes! Leaking toilets, however, are not always so obvious.

If your toiler runs even occasionally, you may have a leak that is going undetected. There is a simple test you can perform to check for a leak, and it is worth doing even if you have not noticed the toilet running at all. Small dye tablets are available from your water company, often without cost, which can be placed into the toilet tank. If you see the color of the dye appear in your toilet bowl, you have a leak. It may be a simple repair, such as a new flapper-or you may need a new toilet. Either way, you will save a lot of money in the long run by fixing the problem.

Simple Changes With Big Results

Being aware of your water consumption habits is one of the easiest ways to reduce your water bill. Little changes such as turning the water off while you brush your teeth or taking slightly shorter showers can be big changes for the better. If you run your dishwasher only when it’s full and adjust the water level on your washing machine for smaller loads, you will see even more savings there. Water your lawn only when it is really needed for even more easy water use reduction.

Saving water is not just about your bills, but also an eco-friendly choice that helps preserve fresh water stores for future generations. Making sure you aren’t wasting water or money is simple, and well worth the effort.

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