Never pour water down the drain-simply find another use for it! This could be watering a plant, cleaning something, or soaking a dirty dish.

Operate household appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers only when they are at full capacity. If possible, set the load amount for the amount you are actually washing.

Drink tap water? Keep full pitchers in the refrigerator rather than running the tap every time you feel thirsty.

Make sure your water pipes are insulated-you’ll get hot water faster!

Repair leaking faucets, sticking toilet flush handles, toilet leaks, and other water-wasters promptly. Did you know that if a faucet drips at a rate of one drip per second, 2,700 gallons of water per year would be wasted?

Never leave water running while you’re shaving, brushing teeth, and taking care of other personal grooming.

Always take shorter showers and don’t overfill the bathtub.

Use less water when cooking by carefully steaming vegetables rather than filling an entire pot with water.

When waiting for hot water to heat up, use the cool water for other purposes.

Don’t overwater your lawn or garden.

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