Garage sales are events you stage, not events you attend. Unless you are a professional junk or antique dealer, there is no reason for you to ever attend a garage sale. Think of them as the entry level drugs offered by the clutter “drug lord” to get you hooked.

Discover the joys of borrowing. Let’s be honest. There are some things you might only use two or three times a year (fondue set, espresso maker, sewing machine, Super Dooper Foot Spa, etc.). You don’t need to buy these things! Your friends will be happy to dig them out from under their beds and loan them to you upon request.

Throw away those full-color store ad inserts in your newspaper and the mailbox-do not browse them first. I’m talking about the good ones from Walmart, Kmart, Target, Kohl’s, etc. Those ads exist for one reason only-to make you think you need more stuff. I know, you think you are just window shopping, but that is the first step to buying a juicer with ten attachments, a second George Foreman Grill, or a desktop fountain like the one in your attic.

Treat eBay (and other internet shopping sites) like disaster sites-steer clear of them. You will not escape unscathed. Clutter will leap into your shopping cart of its own volition!

Finally, if you absolutely must buy something, do it only to replace something you already have. It’s OK to replace your grill, the refrigerator, your coffee table-just don’t multiply them!

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